Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Losing Weight...

My mission right now is to loose 2 kg. I need to change my eating habits, to forego all the fattening junk food. The biggest culprit are the potato chips and doughnuts. Just enjoy eating it so much. Besides going to the gym 3 times a week, cardio exercise and 1 hour of yoga plus sit ups, I can't seem to loose the extra kg. Something to do with age I guess.....the older you get the more fat you accumulate, I wish it was the wealth bit though, however being healthy is better than being wealthy.

I am going to eat smaller portion of meals but still have a good breakfast, a healthy lunch like salad, fruits (apple, bananas), some almond nuts (bye bye to all my favourite food, char koay teow, curry mee, chicken rice, etc etc), my colleague is teasing me "see how long you can stand without eating your 'lunch' hahaha...." and for dinner something very light. I still need to eat a reasonable amount of carbs on days when I go to the gym, otherwise I wouldn't have the energy to move. Just the right portion not overboard. I love pasta. Already thinking of having spaghetti bolognese this weekend. I guess the key to a good healthy lifestyle is to exercise, eat sensibly and everything in moderation and doing all your favourite things. I will endeavour to stick to my plan for at least 4 weeks to see the result. Wish me luck...

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