Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Are good friends important ?

I was driving to work this morning when I heard over the radio talking about "Are good friends important?". I realised that over the years friends would come and go in my life, some still remain friends, good or bad there are always some experiences to be learnt and some friends are worth having and some are purely a pain in the neck. I used to have a friend whom I met at college and despite being friends for so many years, she has this selfish and strange thoughts about how things should be done or said in her own way, even to the extent of interfering into my personal life. I always felt used by her in that sense that when she doesn't need me, she will totally ignore me. I am happy to say that today we are no longer friends.

We always have choices to choose our friends. Good friends are important, they are the ones that you can count on when you have a bad day or need a shoulder to cry on, someone to share your sadness and joy, for moral support and they certainly never take advantage of another friend.

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