Friday, October 9, 2009

Merde happens

Yesterday evening while I was driving home after work somewhere near Eastin Hotel, I noticed that the water temperature suddenly increased. I panicked and all I could think of was to drive to the nearest workshop. My heart was pumping very hard. I could feel cold sweat all over my face. It was the most horrifying feeling because I really thought that the car would explode any minute.

So after passing the Eastin Hotel just about a few metres away, more and more smoke (which was actually steam as I have been told) came out from under the bonnet of the car. I got even more frightened and I had to stop the car to let the engine cool. The worst thing was that I caused a traffic jam as I was stuck in the middle lane. I thought that if I had driven further, the car would eventually stopped and burned me inside.

I put on the hazard lights and walked as fast as I could to the nearest petrol station (BHP) and asked for help from the attendant. He gave me the number of a mechanic. Luckily he arrived 20 minutes later. After pouring some water into the radiator, he asked me to drive to the nearest cross street where he put in some more water and oil and he actually got the fan working again which was the cause of my car overheating. After he fixed the car, I paid him and I was planning to drive back to home, when I noticed the temperature rising again.

This time I made sure I parked on the side of the road and I immediately contacted him. He came to my rescue and asked me to drive the car to his brother's workshop which is nearby, thank God. I had to leave the car at the workshop so that the mechanic could thoroughly check my car the next day. Finally the mechanic sent me home and yes, this was truly a nightmare for me.

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